THOUGHT "What you think will become your reality"


Let's crush societal constructs together through knowledge and conversation! Join us to discuss topics off the societal norm. Subjects that are sometimes hidden behind closed doors, but at SDP you will get a peek behind those doors. Our guest spill some secrets about their lives and you won't be able to turn away.

Societal constructs are put in place to make us feel like we have to BE a certain way and live our lives a certain way. You don't have to be that way or live that way. Trauma, racism, suicide, mental health/illness, crime, life stories, real stories. The best stories are life stories! Get real and listen to Societal Deconstruction Podcast.

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Male + Female = Human?

Societal Deconstruction Podcast is a podcast that thinks differently. SDP wants to help our listeners think differently. Eventually the whole world will think differently. Eradicate the hate and shame and stigma against people who are "different" and want to live life outside the "norm" of society. People like me and you that have thought past the status quo and the norm. 

Live your precious life the most sovereign way you can. Don't do what you "think" you are "supposed" to do. If it doesn't feel right, then it isn't. Always listen to your first instinct, that first punch in the gut. That is your intuition, and you can trust it.

Travel, see the world, educate yourself about people, different cultures, different food, different places etc.... embrace the differences in humanity.

We are all creatures of Planet Earth, we are all born alone, we all die alone. We are all born naked without the constructs of society. The constructs of society are indoctrinated in us very early on. Once you open your eyes and understand, you will live your life in a completely new way. Freeing your mind and discarding the chains of society is so liberating.

Life is precious, life is beautiful, life is short. Live it for yourself! 

Don't conform to society's norm.

Do what you want, how you want, when you want to do it. 

The best stories are life stories!


Feb. 19, 2024

Male + Female = Human?

Sit tight and get ready for Boat and special guest Scott Forkner to break down societal norms and constructs such as holidays, gender, identity, childhood, employment and more. The only meaning social constructs have is the meaning given to them by people. Free your mind!

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Dec. 11, 2023

Living To Die - Destigmatizing Death in the Modern World

Living To Die - Destigmatizing Death in the Modern World - Episode 16 of Societal Deconstruction Podcast - SDP finds Boat and guests Bryce and Hunter, weighing in on death. Should we talk about it more to make it more comfort...

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Oct. 20, 2023

October Trauma Dump

On Episode 15 Boat and her guest Shaggy discuss coming out of the depths of childhood trauma and how the process changes you. Does Shaggy come out of it for the better? Tune in to Episode 15, October Trauma Dump to find out.

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Aug. 26, 2023

Deconstructing The D. A. R. U. Project

Just published! Episode 14 of Societal Deconstruction Podcast SDP, Your host, Boat welcomes special guest, Ross A. Schweitzer of The D. A. R. U. Project. Boat and Ross discuss the meaning of the D. A. R. U. Project, the diffe...

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Aug. 1, 2023

A Talk With God

On episode 13 of Societal Deconstruction Podcast, your host Boat and her guest God, a musician, break down topics like societal indoctrination, mental health/illness, education, religion and societal freedom among other subjects. Tune in to SDP's "A Talk with God".

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June 29, 2023

The Juxtaposition of Man and A.I.

What will happen when A.I. takes over the workforce and we become a "workless" society? Will there be a creative renaissance, or will people just get lazier? Boat and Matt sound in on an interesting question.

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June 12, 2023

One Flew Over the Crocodile’s Nest

Boat and guest Matt discuss out of body experiences, dissociative disorder, crocodilian species of the world, trips good and bad, hallucinogens and more. Join us for an interesting chat with Boat and Matt.

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May 29, 2023

Breaking Down Yoomanity

Societal Deconstruction Podcast welcomes our guest Bekah, from The Yooman Podcast, joining Boat this evening. The ladies have essentially done a Pod Swap since Boat will be a guest next week on Bekah's show. The Yooman Podcas...

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May 22, 2023


Join us for Episode 9 with your host, Boat and guests, Shaggy and Black, both up and coming comedians as they break down suicide and mental illness. In the past, did they give lobotomies to bipolar people? The mental hospital...

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May 2, 2023

Fireworks, Foxholes & a Trip to the Loony Bin

On Episode 7, Boat and Guest G, break down a medley of subjects including: mental health, drug psychosis, addiction & abuse, and family & friend issues. G has a heck of a story to tell. --- Send in a voice message: https://po...

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April 27, 2023

Episode 7 Preview & Bloopers

Preview of Episode 7 Along With Bloopers. Episode 7, with my Co-host G, contains Mental Health, Drug Psychosis, Addiction & Abuse, Family & Friend issues. G has a heck of a story to tell. Tune in this weekend for Episode 7! ...

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April 9, 2023

Talking Trauma - Breaking the Silence

Boat and her guest Shaggy break down what it’s like to be a survivor of childhood trauma. Shaggy reveals a very personal story about an abusive relationship as a child resulting in bulimia and other mental health issues. We g...

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Recent Blog Posts

Jan. 18, 2025

Apology to Opossums & Possums

I hit a possum with my car last night. This is the 3rd one in a row. I'm fairly certain that it was killed instantly. Those little bastards are solid because there was no doubt that I hit it and that it was a possum. There was no time for choices or…

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Sept. 20, 2023

A Moment In Time

Every day is a new day. Every hour is a new hour. Every moment is a new moment. Every second is a new second. Think about renewal. Renewing yourself, changing yourself, manifesting things that you desire. You have a new opportunity every moment.…

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May 31, 2023


My name is Boat and yes, I used to have a boat. It was a 23-foot Chaparral with a Volvo Penta V-8 motor. It was the love of my life. I am also a mother, daughter, single woman, friend, advocate, struggling writer, new podcast creator, dog mom, cance…

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About the Host


Writer / Advocate / Podcaster

Boat just turned 50 and instead of lamenting about her ripe old age, she likes to "think" she's gained some wisdom along the way. Boat does this podcast out of love for the real human story. She enjoys sitting down and talking about deep topics, where you really get to understand a person with a good bit of laughter thrown in. It becomes a learning experience for everyone involved. Boat resides in Central Florida with her two little dogs, Coco and Ava. She has two successful grown children who she wishes she could spend more time with. And yes, Boat had a boat; it was a 23 ft. Chaparral Deck Boat with get this, a bathroom! Love at first sight! She did the boating thing for several years and absolutely loved it; the FREEDOM. Boat is originally from Western New York and moved to South Florida in the early 90's with a suitcase, about 250 bucks and never looked back. Now the nostalgia of New York and the way she grew up creeps in sometimes. It was a wonderful place to start life and instilled integrity and a rebellious nature in her, a juxtaposition of ideals, which has made for a very interesting life. Boat has done a good amount of traveling and loves integrating into other cultures. At this point in her life, she is happy at home podcasting, advocating and writing.


A truly unique show

"SDP is super entertaining show. Boat, the host, keeps the conversation extremely amusing. She has great guests. I don’t know where she finds them and if they are her friends she has some pretty cool …"

J- Damaja | July 14, 2023

Interesting Perspectives

"It brings new prospectives and open mindedness to the topics of life. It is not for the weak hearted or overly sensitive. If you value insight then you should take a listen!"

Mr King | Sept. 10, 2023

Deep Thinkers

"Like the thinking out of the box"

Follower | Sept. 10, 2023

Great Show!

"I think the podcast is great in as far as talking about things outside of traditional views on society and exploring new and interesting ideas. It’s important to have these conversations for possible…"

Centerspotsoccer | Sept. 11, 2023

Thinking Outside the Box

"I think this podcast is great. SDP may be a little rough around the edges but it feels real and honest. I like when people like Boat think outside the box, the status quo, the norm and think for them…"

Mr. Jonesboro | Sept. 21, 2023

Boat the Goat

"10/10 recommend. The talks Boat and her guests have are insightful and an easy, enjoyable listen. I learn something new every time I tune in and it also gets me thinking about things I hadn’t conside…"

fgndtjvf | Sept. 23, 2023

Sounds of silence

"Amazing, informative and I love the host voice, very calming. 😍😍"

Focker | Jan. 1, 2024